Home Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Accessibility Standards Canada releases employment accessibility standard

Accessibility Standards Canada releases employment accessibility standard

by Todd Humber

Accessibility Standards Canada has released the CAN/ASC-1.1:2024 – Employment standard, a new national standard approved by the Standards Council of Canada aimed at helping organizations remove workplace barriers and promote inclusion for people with disabilities.

The standard provides practical guidance on accessibility in employment, addressing organizational policies, systems and leadership. It focuses on key aspects of the employment lifecycle, including recruitment, hiring, onboarding, retention, career development and promotion, performance management, redeployment, compensation and job exit.

“This standard is designed to provide organizations with the tools they need to remove barriers and to promote equity and inclusion in the workplace,” said Dino Zuppa, acting chief executive officer of Accessibility Standards Canada. “We’re helping to build a stronger economy and a society where everyone can truly thrive.”

Developed by a technical committee with a majority of members who identify as persons with disabilities or as part of equity-deserving groups, the standard reflects diverse lived experiences and expertise. It aligns with the Standards Council of Canada’s requirements for standards development organizations, including rigorous public consultation and adherence to international best practices.

The CAN/ASC-1.1:2024 – Employment standard supports the socio-economic inclusion of Canadians with disabilities and aligns with Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan and the Employment Strategy for Canadians with Disabilities.

The standard is available for free on Accessibility Standards Canada’s website in English and French, along with a plain language summary and sign language versions.

Accessibility Standards Canada is an accredited standards development organization mandated to create a barrier-free Canada by 2040 through developing and revising accessibility standards, advancing accessibility research and supporting inclusion and equity.

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