Home Legislation & Compliance Bill to re-establish Manitoba’s Advisory Council on Workplace Safety receives royal assent

Bill to re-establish Manitoba’s Advisory Council on Workplace Safety receives royal assent

by HR News Canada

Manitoba’s new workplace safety legislation, which re-establishes the Advisory Council on Workplace Safety and Health, has received royal assent.

It was one of nearly two dozen bills to become enacted as the spring session of the 43rd legislature came to a close.

The advisory council was abolished in 2018 by the previous provincial government.

“Our government knows the best way to grow our economy is with good, safe jobs for Manitobans,” said Labour and Immigration Minister Malaya Marcelino on March 12 when Bill 17 was introduced. “Every Manitoba worker deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have a safe workplace. The previous government clawed back worker protections, going against the advice of the labour and business community by getting rid of the Advisory Council on Workplace Safety and Health.”

The 13-member advisory council, which will include representation from workers, employers and technical and professional bodies, will advise the minister on occupational health and safety issues, as well as legislative and regulatory changes.

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