Home Featured Jody Brennan named executive head of new EI appeals board

Jody Brennan named executive head of new EI appeals board

by HR News Canada

The federal government has appointed Jody Brennan as the executive head of the newly created Employment Insurance Board of Appeal (EI BOA), marking a significant overhaul of the EI appeals process.

Employment Minister Steven MacKinnon announced the appointment Friday, saying Brennan will oversee the transition from the existing Social Security Tribunal to the new tripartite model that includes representatives from government, workers and employers.

“The Employment Insurance Board of Appeal is a key step in improving the EI appeals process and ensuring decisions reflect the perspectives of those who contribute to the system,” MacKinnon said.

The board, which replaces the first level of the appeals process currently handled by the Social Security Tribunal’s General Division, will be responsible for hearing all first-level EI disputes, except for constitutional challenges. The goal is to create a “client-centred” approach to administrative justice, according to the government.

Brennan, who is fluently bilingual, will manage regional coordinators and board members, reporting on the board’s performance to the Canada Employment Insurance Commission.

The government said Brennan was selected through an open, merit-based process aimed at ensuring diversity among Canada’s leadership.

The EI BOA is the result of years of consultations with stakeholders, including labour and employer groups. The government introduced legislation in 2023 to establish the board, and the bill received royal assent in June of that year. The board will include a mix of full-time and part-time regional coordinators, as well as part-time members appointed by the Governor in Council and the Canada Employment Insurance Commission.

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