Home Featured Number of hours worked by young Canadians has plunged 16.3% since 1989: Fraser Institute

Number of hours worked by young Canadians has plunged 16.3% since 1989: Fraser Institute

by HR News Canada

The average weekly hours worked by young Canadians aged 15 to 24 have decreased by 16.3% since 1989, according to a study released by the Fraser Institute, an independent public policy think tank based in Vancouver.

The report, co-authored by Fraser Institute senior fellow Ben Eisen along with Milagros Palacios, reveals that young workers averaged 30.7 hours per week in 1989 compared to just 25.7 hours in 2023. This downward trend is consistent with previous decades, showing a reduction from 30.9 hours in the 1980s to 28.0 hours in the 1990s. The most recent data from 2020 to 2023 indicates an average of 25.6 hours per week.

“Over several decades many governments across Canada have sought to boost youth employment but for the most part have been unsuccessful,” said Eisen. The study points to a continued decline in the hours worked by young Canadians, coupled with an increase in the youth unemployment rate, which rose from 9.7% in January 2023 to 12.6% in May 2024.

DecadeYouth Employment Rate (15–24 years old)
Source: Fraser Institute

The Fraser Institute warns that these trends could have lasting negative effects on the employment prospects and wages of young people as they transition into adulthood. Gaining work experience early in life is crucial for developing skills and improving long-term career outcomes, it said.

“If governments want to avoid the possible lasting harms from the recent spike in Canada’s youth unemployment rate, they should help improve the labour market environment for young Canadians,” Eisen said.

The Fraser Institute, known for its research on public policy, operates out of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal, and collaborates with think tanks worldwide. Read the full report here: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/recent-trends-in-youth-employment.pdf

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