Home Featured Six in 10 workers very satisfied with their jobs, down slightly from last year: Statistics Canada

Six in 10 workers very satisfied with their jobs, down slightly from last year: Statistics Canada

by HR News Canada

Job satisfaction among Canadian workers declined marginally in October, with just over six in ten employees (61.3 per cent) reporting they are very satisfied with their jobs, down from 62.2 per cent in October 2023, according to Statistics Canada.

In its latest Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada asked employed Canadians aged 15 to 69 to rate their level of job satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10. Workers who rated their satisfaction as 8, 9 or 10 were considered very satisfied.

Youth aged 15 to 24 were the least likely to report high job satisfaction, with 55.3 per cent indicating they are very satisfied. In contrast, workers aged 55 to 69 were the most likely to be very satisfied, at 68.1 per cent. About six in ten (60.5 per cent) core-aged men and women reported high levels of job satisfaction.

The survey also highlighted differences based on employment type. “In October, self-employed workers were more likely to be very satisfied with their job (70.0 per cent) compared with both public sector employees (60.2 per cent) and private sector employees (60.1 per cent),” Statistics Canada reported.

Industry-wise, workers in agriculture reported the highest job satisfaction levels, with 71.8 per cent stating they are very satisfied. Those in accommodation and food services (50.4 per cent) and retail trade (53.9 per cent) were less likely to be very satisfied compared to the average for all workers.

For HR professionals and employers, these findings may indicate areas where employee engagement strategies could be enhanced, particularly among younger workers and in industries with lower satisfaction levels. Understanding the factors contributing to job satisfaction can help organizations improve workforce well-being and productivity.

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