Home Featured Ottawa rolls out temporary EI measures to support workers hit by foreign tariffs

Ottawa rolls out temporary EI measures to support workers hit by foreign tariffs

by Todd Humber

The federal government is introducing temporary changes to employment insurance to support Canadian workers affected by tariffs imposed by the United States and other trading partners, which have disrupted jobs and created economic uncertainty.

The measures, announced by Jobs and Families Minister Steven MacKinnon, are designed to ease access to EI benefits and provide faster financial relief for those facing job losses tied to the trade dispute

“These tariffs hurt Canadian workers and employers,” MacKinnon said in a statement. “The impact of tariffs and the resulting economic uncertainty are beyond their control.”

One of the key changes is a temporary adjustment to how regional unemployment rates are calculated. The government will boost each region’s rate by one percentage point, ensuring no region has a rate below 7.1 per cent. That will reduce the number of hours needed to qualify for regular EI benefits to no more than 630 hours, while extending eligibility by up to four additional weeks. This measure will last for three months.

In addition, Ottawa will suspend the usual rules requiring severance, vacation pay and other separation payments to be used up before claimants can receive EI. This change, in place for six months, will allow workers to begin receiving benefits immediately.

A third measure eliminates the standard one-week waiting period for all EI claimant types—including regular, special, and fishing benefits—allowing workers to collect benefits from the first week of unemployment. This will also remain in effect for six months.

The announcement follows earlier changes made on March 7 to the EI Work-Sharing Program to improve accessibility for employers and workers.

MacKinnon also noted the government’s intention to work with provinces and territories on retraining efforts and labour mobility. He said discussions would continue to align workforce development initiatives and improve recognition of foreign credentials.

The employment insurance program is designed to act as an economic stabilizer during downturns. It supports employers and workers through job-sharing options and retraining programs, and has previously been adjusted during economic shocks to improve benefit access and adequacy.

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