Home Featured Saskatchewan’s Top Employers earn nod for boosting job security and skills

Saskatchewan’s Top Employers earn nod for boosting job security and skills

by HR News Canada

A select group of Saskatchewan employers has been recognized for offering job security and training to help workers adapt to changing technology. Mediacorp Canada announced its Saskatchewan’s Top Employers (2025) list today, noting the province’s stable economy as a key draw.

“Saskatchewan has long been an attractive place to work and live,” said Richard Yerema, executive editor of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. “Employees value the security that comes with being able to count on a reliable employer and feeling confident that your livelihood — and the life you’ve built for your family — is secure.”

Organizers said this year’s winners excel at providing family-friendly benefits and at making sure staff get the training they need for new technology. “A skilled workforce is essential as technology advances at an ever-faster rate,” said Yerema.

Mediacorp, which founded the national Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, has been running the Saskatchewan competition for 20 years. Employers are evaluated on workplace features, social atmosphere, health and family benefits, vacation policies, employee communications, performance management, training and skills development, and community involvement.

The full list of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers (2025) was released with a special magazine in the Regina Leader-Post and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. Editors also published detailed reasons for each selection, including stories about the recognized companies’ family and career-building programs. The competition is open to any public or private employer that has its head office or main place of business in Saskatchewan, according to the organizers.

Founded in 1992, Mediacorp Canada Inc. is described by its editors as the country’s largest publisher of employment periodicals. Since 1999, it has managed the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, as well as 19 regional and special-interest competitions.

The full list

Company NameHead OfficeIndustryFull-Time Employees
3sHealth / Health Shared Services SaskatchewanRegina, SKHealthcare support services168
Access Communications Co-operative Ltd.Regina, SKCable subscription and telecommunication services214
BHP Canada Inc.Saskatoon, SKMining416
Canpotex LimitedSaskatoon, SKFertilizer marketing and distribution127
College of Registered Nurses of SaskatchewanRegina, SKProfessional organizations38
Cornerstone Credit Union Financial Group Ltd.Yorkton, SKCredit union249
Creative Options Regina, Inc.Regina, SKMental health support services265
Croptimistic Technology Inc.Saskatoon, SKAgri-tech industry67
eHealth SaskatchewanRegina, SKElectronic health information systems655
Information Services Corporation / ISCRegina, SKProperty title and registry services518
ISMRegina, SKInformation technology services474
Lakefield LLPSaskatoon, SKLaw firms38
Legal Aid SaskatchewanSaskatoon, SKLegal support services167
McDougall Gauley LLPSaskatoon, SKLaw firm128
Nutrien Ltd.Saskatoon, SKPhosphate, nitrogen and potash fertilizers manufacturing6,307
Ranch Ehrlo SocietyRegina, SKIndividual and family services738
Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification CommissionRegina, SKApprenticeship and trade certification management72
Saskatchewan Blue CrossSaskatoon, SKHealth and travel insurance290
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation / SCICMelville, SKCrop insurance336
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority / SIGASaskatoon, SKCasino operations1,076
Saskatchewan PolytechnicSaskatoon, SKPost-secondary schools, university1,889
Saskatchewan Teachers’ FederationSaskatoon, SKProfessional organizations146
Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation BoardRegina, SKWorkplace health and safety programs568
Saskatoon, City ofSaskatoon, SKMunicipal governments3,275
SaskEnergy IncorporatedRegina, SKNatural gas distribution1,105
SaskPowerRegina, SKElectric power generation3,403
SaskTelRegina, SKTelecommunications2,819
Synergy Credit Union Ltd.Lloydminster (Part), SKCredit union227
University of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, SKPost-secondary schools, university5,107
Vaderstad Industries Inc.Langbank, SKFarm machinery and equipment distribution258

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