Home Workplace Safety & OHS Alberta Sheriffs intensify commercial vehicle inspections during International Roadcheck

Alberta Sheriffs intensify commercial vehicle inspections during International Roadcheck

by HR News Canada

The Alberta Sheriffs are set to increase commercial vehicle inspections from May 14 to 16 as part of the annual International Roadcheck, a three-day safety campaign organized by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). The initiative, conducted across North America, aims to ensure compliance with federal and provincial regulations among commercial vehicle operators.

During this period, members of the Alberta Sheriff Highway Patrol will conduct thorough inspections of both vehicle mechanical components and driver credentials at various inspection stations throughout the province. These efforts are part of a coordinated effort by law enforcement agencies in Canada, the United States, and Mexico to enhance road safety.

“Albertans have a right to feel safe and protected in their communities, no matter where they live,” said Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services. “The inspections our sheriffs will carry out will go a long way in enhancing road safety not just for commercial vehicles and the drivers who operate them, but for all Alberta road users.”

The Alberta Sheriffs have played a crucial role in road safety since being granted the authority to investigate impaired driving and other criminal offences in late 2021. Covering over 30,000 kilometres of provincial highways, they have made significant strides in improving safety on the roads. In 2023, the International Roadcheck led to the removal of 157 commercial vehicles from the roads due to various safety violations.

“Over the years, the Sheriff Highway Patrol’s participation in International Roadcheck has resulted in hundreds of safety violations being identified and addressed, significantly improving safety on Alberta’s roads,” said Bob Andrews, acting chief of the Alberta Sheriffs. “The initiative is an immensely important one, and one that the Alberta Sheriffs are proud to participate in once again.”

This year’s focus will be on inspecting tractor protection systems, anti-bleed back valves, and checking drivers for controlled substances and alcohol, ensuring that both vehicles and drivers adhere to the highest safety standards.

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